Arbitration and Litigation
AEM Lawyers has a team of litigating attorneys composed of partners and associates dedicated exclusively to defending the interests and rights of our clients before courts of all levels and importance.
In this way, our team distinguishes itself through its commitment and quality in handling arbitration proceedings, mediations, and dispute boards before the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce, proceedings before civil, labor, and special courts, as well as representing our clients before all Courts of Appeals in the country, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Court.
Our litigation and arbitration team works closely with other practice areas within the firm so that client advice and the content of written submissions and presentations in such sophisticated matters in which we are involved benefit from the firm's experience and specialized knowledge as a renowned boutique office with over 25 years of experience.
As a result, we have achieved significant successes for our clients in complex labor and civil cases.
Responsible Director: Alejandro Preuss
Relevant Lawsuits/Cases
Court: 1st Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM Mining Company (Collahuasi).
Case Title: «Marillanqui et al. v. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi»
RIT 1st Instance: O-5904-2015
Court of Appeals Case Number: 501-2016.
Supreme Court Case Number: 41808–2016
Subject Matter: Collection of benefits derived from the interpretation of a collective agreement.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment. The Santiago Court of Appeals ruled that the plaintiffs’ collection claim is legally inadmissible, rejecting the claim in its entirety.
Court: 1st Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Club de Polo y Equitación San Cristóbal.
Case Title: «Astete v. Club de Polo y Equitación San Cristóbal».
RIT 1st Instance: O-1953-2015.
Subject Matter: Invalidity of dismissal, unjustified dismissal, and collection of labor benefits.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment. The demanded amounts were successfully reduced, fully satisfying the client’s claims.
a) Court: 9th Labor Court of Santiago.
Case Title: «Robles Fuenzalida v. Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil and others».
RIT 1st Instance: 2586-2006.
Subject Matter: Labor lawsuit for unjustified dismissal.
End of Trial: FAVORABLE JUDGMENT: The court upheld the exception of prior and special pronouncement raised by this party when responding to the lawsuit, which implied that the court recognized jurisdictional immunity and decided not to proceed with the legal action.
b) Court: 2nd Labor Court of Santiago.
Case Title: «Rodriguez v. Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil».
RIT 1st Instance: T-90-2010.
Subject Matter: Labor lawsuit for unjustified dismissal.
End of Trial: FAVORABLE JUDICIAL AGREEMENT through a judicial settlement between the parties, involving a single payment that was lower than the amount requested by the plaintiffs.
Court: 1st Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Enjoy Gestión Limitada.
Case Title: «Mora v. Enjoy Gestión Limitada».
RIT 1st Instance: M-5904-2015.
Subject Matter: Unjustified dismissal and collection of labor benefits.
End of Trial: FAVORABLE JUDICIAL AGREEMENT through a judicial settlement between the parties, involving a single payment that was lower than the amount requested by the plaintiffs.
Court: 3rd Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Hitachi Data Systems, Chile.
Case Title: «Carvajal Parra v. Hitachi Data Systems».
RIT 1st Instance: 5572-2001.
Subject Matter: Labor lawsuit for unjustified dismissal.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment, based on a settlement reached between the parties.
Court: 3rd Local Police Court of Providencia.
Client: Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN).
Case Title: «Miguel Alfonso Avendaño Peñaloza v. Televisión Nacional de Chile».
RIT 1st Instance: 28.559-5-2007.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 8645-2009.
Subject Matter: Infringement of Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Protection.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment, considering the substantial reduction between the demanded amounts and the amounts actually condemned.
Court: 3rd Local Police Court of Providencia.
Client: Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN).
Case Title: «Carlos Salamanca Romero v. Televisión Nacional de Chile».
RIT 1st Instance: 16840-06-2005.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 3307-2007.
Subject Matter: Infringement of Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Protection.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment, based on the declaration of no grounds for the complaint against Televisión Nacional de Chile.
Court: 3rd Local Police Court of Providencia.
Client: Televisión Nacional de Chile.
Case Title: «Miguel Alfonso Avendaño Peñaloza v. Televisión Nacional de Chile».
RIT 1st Instance: 28.559-5-2007.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 8645-2009.
Subject Matter: Infringement of Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Protection.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment, considering the substantial reduction between the demanded amounts and the amounts actually condemned.
Court: 3rd Local Police Court of Providencia.
Client: Televisión Nacional de Chile.
Case Title: «Carlos Salamanca Romero v. Televisión Nacional de Chile».
RIT 1st Instance: 16840-06-2005.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 3307-2007.
Subject Matter: Infringement of Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Protection.
End of Trial: Favorable Judgment, based on the declaration of no grounds for the complaint against Televisión Nacional de Chile.
Court: Labor Court of Copiapó.
Client: Aguas Chañar S.A.
Case Title: «Peralta v. Alfaro»
First Instance RIT: O-396-2017.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 82-2018.
Subject Matter: Labor lawsuit for unjustified dismissal, nullity of dismissal, and collection of wages, compensations, and labor benefits.
Outcome: The joint liability of Aguas Chañar S.A. is determined to be unfounded, and the lawsuit against Aguas Chañar is dismissed.
Court: 2nd Labor Court of Santiago
Client: Santiago Real Estate Registrar
Case Title: «Gordillo v. Santiago Real Estate Registrar»
First Instance Case Number: T-166-2018
Court of Appeals Case Number: 1488-2018
Subject: Labor lawsuit for labor protection due to violation of fundamental rights
Case Outcome: Favorable verdict in which the labor protection claim is dismissed in its entirety, a decision that is upheld by the Honorable Court of Appeals of Santiago.
Court: 2nd Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Santiago Real Estate Registrar.
Case: «Santiago Real Estate Registrar vs. Provincial Labor Inspectorate of Santiago».
RIT 1st Instance: I-578-2017.
Subject Matter: Labor case regarding judicial challenge to an administrative resolution.
Case Outcome: The administrative resolution is overturned.
Court: 2nd Labor Court of Santiago.
Client: Disal Chile Portables Limitada.
Case: «Bizama Hormazabal vs. Disal Chile Ltda.»
RIT 1st Instance: L-189-2009.
Subject Matter: Labor case involving unfair dismissal.
Case Outcome: Favorable judgment through Judicial Settlement, in which the parties agree to end the trial by establishing the conditions that each party must fulfill.
Tribunal: Juzgado de Letras del Trabajo (2°).
Cliente: Pfizer Chile S.A.
Caratulados: “Becerra con Pfizer Chile S.A.”
RIT 1° Instancia: T-1623-2019.
Materia: Autos laborales por tutela de derechos fundamentales y despido injustificado.
Termino de Juicio: Sentencia Favorable por Avenimiento Judicial, por el cual las partes convienen en terminar el juicio estableciendo las condiciones que cada parte ha de cumplir.
Court: 1st Labor Court.
Client: Starbucks Coffee Chile S.A.
Case: «Starbucks Coffee Chile S.A. vs. Giordano Salazar Andrés.»
RIT 1st Instance: O-4436-2014.
Subject Matter: Labor case regarding a demand for union disaffiliation.
Case Outcome: Favorable judgment based on judicial settlement.
Court: 2nd Labor Court.
Client: Volvo Chile Spa.
Case: «Volvo Chile Spa vs. Inspección Comunal del Trabajo Norte.»
RIT 1st Instance: I-106-2019.
Court of Appeals Case Number: 1221-2019.
Subject Matter: Labor case regarding a Judicial Claim for Administrative Fine.
Case Outcome: The claim filed by Volvo Chile Spa against the Inspección Comunal del Trabajo Norte Chacabuco is accepted, and therefore, the imposed fine of 40 Monthly Tax Units is revoked.
Court: 23rd Civil Court of Santiago.
Client: Disal Chile Portables Limitada.
Case: «Disal Chile vs. Ilustre Municipalidad de Maipú.»
RIT 1st Instance: C-4826-2021.
Subject Matter: Civil case for judicial collection of invoices.
Case Outcome: After conducting the necessary judicial collection procedures, the defendant has made full payment of the outstanding amounts.
Nuestra área de derecho laboral otorga al empleador las herramientas e información indispensables para poder vincularse con los trabajadores, respetando el ordenamiento jurídico en general y el derecho laboral, destacando dentro de otras materias:
- Revisión de herramientas e instrumentos contractuales, ya sean individuales o colectivos.
- Redacción y / o revisión del manual interno de orden, salud y seguridad.
- Colaboración en el establecimiento y / o mantenimiento o comités conjuntos de salud y seguridad, formación y empleo.
- Asuntos de asesoramiento y negociación colectiva.
- Representación ante la autoridad que supervisa el cumplimiento de los asuntos laborales.
- Capacitación para tratar de evitar o hacer frente, en la mejor forma posible, a problemas individuales o colectivos.